Be Royal With Carm

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Falling Apart For the Good: A Story Of Hope For The Tough Seasons

Watching the seasons change and the leaves fall reminds me of a time when I felt like my life was falling apart for my good.

In 2017, I went through a season that felt a lot like 2020. I was not producing enough income to pay my bills, my debt was growing, my car needed repairs, and my engagement to my fiancé ended. Everything was falling a part. And like a gloomy autumn sky, my spirit became downcast and gray. I felt hopeless and depressed. Then God shifted my perspective.

I remember driving in the car and having a vision of a tree. Although the tree was losing all of its leaves. It wasn’t complaining. It wasn’t fighting to keep the leaves. It just stood. And the life inside it, along with the glory of the sun, allowed the tree to produce an abundance of leaves in the next season.This was God’s way of speaking to me.

Through this vision, he showed me that I didn’t need to worrying because I was not going through a season on loss. I was being prepared to receive an abundance of blessings. I just needed to stand and trust in the work that he was doing inside of me. This encouraged me to look at the nature of my circumstances differently.

When life feels like it is falling apart, praise God. Because seasons of loss are really opportunities to experience new growth in him.