S.I.T & Be Resilient
/Image Source: Berelatable.com
Sit and be resilient? What kind of command is that? How does one sit, and be resilient? Sitting is not the first image that comes to mind when I think of resilience. Overcoming obstacles, leaping over hurdles, falling, and getting back up is what I imagine. That was until Pastor Bennet of This is Pentecost Fellowship Ministers, shattered my perceptions of the word and redefined its meaning. In her viral youtube sermon “S.I.T. In His Presence” Bennet boldly evolved the word “sit” from meaning to posture yourself in a seated position to meaning to posture yourself for victory through Supplication, Intercession, and Travail.
In the most challenging, nerve-wracking, troubling situations, Bennett encouraged her viewers to lay out their hearts before God. Through the act of supplication, Bennett advised us to offer authentic thoughts and emotions before the throne of God. We are to cry out in transparency as we humbly share all that burdens us. This supplication continues until God aligns our hearts with His Word.
If we lack the words to cry out, Bennett reminds us to lean on the Holy Spirit for intercession. God himself anointed us with The Holy Spirit who, in our weakness, searches the depths of our souls for the roots of our pain and sufferings. With wordless groans, he uproots our deep pains and aligns them with the will of the Lord. This is our hope of Holy intercession.
Bennet’s words of hope inspired thousands to press forward in grace as we Travail. She used the analogy of a mother carrying a baby full term and enduring the agonizing pains of labor until her child is born to help understand that travailing is for our benefit. It is the hardships of life that we individually have to go through to birth the vision, harvest of souls, or blessings that God has for us. Travailing is us pressing on during pain and suffering until we see the victory.
“S.I.T In His Presence” has shifted my thoughts of what I need to do in challenging situations. When life gets hard, I will not do things in my strength. Instead, I will “ S.I.T in His Presence.”. Supplication, Intercession, and Travail will give access to grace for resilience