S.I.T & Be Resilient

Image Source: Berelatable.com

Image Source: Berelatable.com

Sit and be resilient? What kind of command is that? How does one sit, and be resilient? Sitting is not the first image that comes to mind when I think of resilience. Overcoming obstacles, leaping over hurdles, falling, and getting back up is what I imagine. That was until Pastor Bennet of This is Pentecost Fellowship Ministers, shattered my perceptions of the word and redefined its meaning. In her viral youtube sermon “S.I.T. In His Presence” Bennet boldly evolved the word “sit” from meaning to posture yourself in a seated position to meaning to posture yourself for victory through  Supplication, Intercession, and Travail. 

In the most challenging, nerve-wracking, troubling situations, Bennett encouraged her viewers to lay out their hearts before God. Through the act of supplication, Bennett advised us to offer authentic thoughts and emotions before the throne of God. We are to cry out in transparency as we humbly share all that burdens us. This supplication continues until God aligns our hearts with His Word. 

If we lack the words to cry out, Bennett reminds us to lean on the Holy Spirit for intercession. God himself anointed us with The Holy Spirit who, in our weakness, searches the depths of our souls for the roots of our pain and sufferings. With wordless groans, he uproots our deep pains and aligns them with the will of the Lord. This is our hope of Holy intercession. 

Bennet’s words of hope inspired thousands to press forward in grace as we Travail. She used the analogy of a mother carrying a baby full term and enduring the agonizing pains of labor until her child is born to help understand that travailing is for our benefit. It is the hardships of life that we individually have to go through to birth the vision, harvest of souls, or blessings that God has for us. Travailing is us pressing on during pain and suffering until we see the victory. 

“S.I.T In His Presence” has shifted my thoughts of what I need to do in challenging situations. When life gets hard, I will not do things in my strength. Instead, I will “ S.I.T in His Presence.”. Supplication, Intercession, and Travail will give access to grace for resilience


How I Created A Vision Board On Canva


Speaking from the heart, I did not want to create New Year’s resolution goals this year. My 2020 goals weren’t even met. In fact, I don’t even remember what they were. I’m sure one of them was to loose 25 lbs., which I didn’t do.

I didn’t want to treat my 2021 goals like an early 2000’s baby daddy...create them then abandon them... I wanted to focus on being the responsible person who actually accomplishes what they set out to do. 

So instead of creating goals, I created a vision board using Canva. I typed “vision boards” in the canva search engine and selected a template that I liked. Then I added words, affirmations, a scripture, and visuals that defined and encouraged the type of person I wanted to evolve into during 2021. 

A lot of thought went into the creation of my board. I typed stewardship right on the top because I am becoming a better steward of my health and wealth. The Bible says that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. So, on the right side of my board I placed a scripture that relates to stewardship. 

Also, I wrote affirmations that defined the type of character I am developing. Words like positively assertive, self-controlled, balanced, and loving are on my board. 

Because I tend to worry, I typed “TRUST GOD” in large print, so that it’s the first thing my eye is drawn to. I placed the visual of the girl praying right next to those words “TRUST GOD”, so that I am reminded to pray more and worry less. I made sure she looked liked me and that the  fitness picture did too. I didn’t want to place an unrealistically fit woman on my board...no, I wanted to add a picture of a woman of color with a body shape that was realistic for me to achieve this year. 

I strongly believe that if you want to change your actions, then you have to change your mind, and if you want to change your mind then you have to change what you put in it. Positive and uplifting words, affirmations, and visuals that you look at and say out loud everyday will give you the power to transform. 

 If I had a goal this year, it would be just that...to transforms into a greater version of my self. My vision board, words, and actions will lead to the transformation I desire. Your can do the same for you. Royals, let’s be focused on evolving more than the resolving. 

Falling Apart For the Good: A Story Of Hope For The Tough Seasons


Watching the seasons change and the leaves fall reminds me of a time when I felt like my life was falling apart for my good.

In 2017, I went through a season that felt a lot like 2020. I was not producing enough income to pay my bills, my debt was growing, my car needed repairs, and my engagement to my fiancé ended. Everything was falling a part. And like a gloomy autumn sky, my spirit became downcast and gray. I felt hopeless and depressed. Then God shifted my perspective.

I remember driving in the car and having a vision of a tree. Although the tree was losing all of its leaves. It wasn’t complaining. It wasn’t fighting to keep the leaves. It just stood. And the life inside it, along with the glory of the sun, allowed the tree to produce an abundance of leaves in the next season.This was God’s way of speaking to me.

Through this vision, he showed me that I didn’t need to worrying because I was not going through a season on loss. I was being prepared to receive an abundance of blessings. I just needed to stand and trust in the work that he was doing inside of me. This encouraged me to look at the nature of my circumstances differently.

When life feels like it is falling apart, praise God. Because seasons of loss are really opportunities to experience new growth in him.

Master Piece by You: A Song For The Evolving Soul

Image by Kimberly Davis

I do not consider my self to be a song writer! But one morning, I woke up and words just started flowing through my mind. I quickly grabbed my phone and wrote every word in my notes.

The words became a my personal song of praise to God for shaping and molding me into the you-nique woman I am today. I hope you see the beauty that is you in the lyrics.

Master Piece By You

Blank page

Free reign  

Lord, create 

Take me and make me and fill me and use me 

 New clay

Your way 

Lord, create 

Take me and mold me and fill me and use me 

Cuz you, you make all things new 

You’ve painted my soul and changed the hue 

No longer blue, but so vibrant in you 

Outlined in your blood 

Shaded with love 

I am masterpiece by you 

By you, you, you 

I'm a masterpiece by you

By you, you, you 

Pen strokes

You wrote 

My destiny 

So take me

Create me

and fill me

and use me 

Red stained 

You came

To rescue me

So take me

and save me

and fill me

and use me 

Cuz you, you make all things new 

You’ve painted my soul and changed the hue 

No longer blue but so vibrant in you 

Outlined in your blood 

Shaded with love 

I am masterpiece by you 

By you, you, you 

I'm a masterpiece by you

By you, you, you 

My past is behind me 

And your right beside me 

Shaping me as you planned 

Who cares what I’ve done 

Because I am undone 

Creator, I’m in your hands

I’m a masterpiece by you

By you, you, you 

A masterpiece by you

By you, you, you

The End

I want you to know that you are a masterpiece. Crafted in perfection for God’s perfect plan.

Puzzle Piece: Embracing What Makes You Unique

Image by Reyna Noriega

Image by Reyna Noriega

You are a valuable piece of a greater picture.

You were uniquely and skillfully designed to connect with people who are interconnected with others. These relationships are purposeful and intentional. 

Your unique design will not allow you to bond with certain individuals. Therefore, do not be discouraged by failed relationships.

You were designed to fit into a very specific place. Therefore, do not be discouraged by failed opportunities.

Who you are, where you are and what you are is very important. Do not alter who you were designed to be. 

You are a valuable, essential piece of a greater picture. Skillfully made by the great I Am to fulfill the great purpose, vision, and plans he has for your life. He will put the pieces together. Trust him and be you.